Oracle Fusion Technical Integration Guide

Need help with Oracle Fusion Technical Integration? This guide is your go-to resource for understanding ERP Fusion, ZATCA, and E-invoicing. Get started now!

Ajith Kumar M
June 13, 2023
8 min

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Efficient e-invoicing processes are crucial for Saudi businesses to achieve optimal productivity and comply with regulatory requirements. By leveraging the technical integration capabilities of Oracle Fusion ERP, Saudi business people can effectively streamline their e-invoicing operations. In this blog, we will explore how integrating Oracle Fusion ERP with e-invoicing platforms can enhance the invoicing process specifically for Saudi business people, and provide real-time examples of its benefits.

Step-by-Step Process for Integrating Oracle Fusion with API Detailed Technical Guidance

Understand the API Documentation

Thoroughly study the documentation provided by the third-party API, such as Complyance This documentation typically includes details about API endpoints, request and response formats, authentication mechanisms, and any specific requirements or limitations.

Determine Integration Requirements

Analyze your integration requirements by considering the data you need to send or receive, the frequency of API calls, error handling, and any other relevant considerations specific to Saudi business people.

Implement the Integration

Based on the chosen integration method, follow these steps to implement the integration:

  • Configure the necessary connections or endpoints within the chosen integration platform.
  • Define integration flows, workflows, or business processes as per the platform's guidelines.
  • Map the data structures between Oracle Fusion and the external e-invoicing API.
  • Implement error-handling mechanisms to handle exceptions and ensure data integrity.

Choose the Integration Method

a. Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC)

b. Oracle SOA Suite

c. Oracle API Gateway

d.Custom Development

A. Integrating Fusion with using Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC)

Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) provides a seamless integration platform with pre-built connectors for various systems and APIs, making it an ideal choice for integrating Oracle Fusion ERP with Complyance Here's how you can utilize OIC to integrate the two systems:

  1. Utilize Oracle Integration Cloud Platform: Start by leveraging the capabilities of the Oracle Integration Cloud platform. This cloud-based integration platform provides a range of tools and features to facilitate the integration process.
  2. Create a Connection to API: In OIC, create a connection to the API using the relevant pre-built connector. The connector allows you to establish a secure and authenticated connection between Oracle Fusion ERP and
  3. Define Integration Flows: Use the integration flow designer in OIC to define the data exchange between Oracle Fusion ERP and Specify the triggers, actions, and transformations required to synchronize invoice data between the two systems.
  4. Configure Data Structure Mapping: Set up mappings between the data structures used by Oracle Fusion ERP and to ensure seamless data transformation. This step ensures that data is correctly formatted and mapped between the systems during integration.
  5. Implement Error Handling: Implement error handling mechanisms within the integration flows to handle any exceptions or errors that may occur during the integration process. This ensures that data integrity is maintained, and any issues are resolved appropriately.

By following these steps, you can successfully integrate Oracle Fusion ERP with using Oracle Integration Cloud. This integration method leverages the pre-built connectors and features provided by OIC, simplifying the integration process and enabling seamless data exchange between the systems.

B.Integrating Fusion with using Oracle SOA Suite

Another method for integrating Oracle Fusion ERP with is by leveraging Oracle SOA Suite. Oracle SOA Suite is a middleware solution that facilitates building integrations between different systems. Here's how you can utilize Oracle SOA Suite to integrate Fusion with Complyance.

  1. Leverage Oracle SOA Suite: Oracle SOA Suite provides a comprehensive platform for designing and implementing integration workflows. It supports various integration technologies, including BPEL (Business Process Execution Language), to orchestrate the integration process.
  2. Design Integration Workflows: Use Oracle SOA Suite to design integration workflows that define the sequence of steps and actions required to exchange data between Oracle Fusion ERP and These workflows outline the data transformation, routing, and processing logic.
  3. Utilize Oracle Service Bus: The Oracle Service Bus component of Oracle SOA Suite acts as a messaging backbone, enabling routing and transformation of API requests and responses. Configure the Oracle Service Bus to handle the communication between Oracle Fusion ERP and
  4. Implement Data Structure Mapping: Ensure that the data structures used by Oracle Fusion ERP and are correctly mapped within the integration workflows. This step ensures that data is transformed and exchanged accurately between the two systems.
  5. Handle Authentication and Security: Implement authentication and security measures within the integration workflows to ensure secure communication between Oracle Fusion ERP and This includes handling credentials, encryption, and authorization mechanisms.

By leveraging Oracle SOA Suite, you can build robust integration workflows that enable seamless data exchange between Oracle Fusion ERP and Complyance. The suite's capabilities, including BPEL and the Oracle Service Bus, provide the necessary tools for designing and implementing complex integration scenarios.

C. Integrating Fusion with using Oracle API Gateway

An alternative method for integrating Oracle Fusion ERP with is by deploying an Oracle API Gateway as a proxy between the two systems. The Oracle API Gateway acts as an intermediary that manages the communication and ensures secure and controlled access. Here's how you can utilize Oracle API Gateway for the integration:

  1. Deploy Oracle API Gateway: Set up and configure an instance of Oracle API Gateway to act as a proxy between Oracle Fusion ERP and The API Gateway will handle the communication between the two systems, providing security and control features.
  2. Configure Security Features: Within the Oracle API Gateway, configure security features such as authentication, authorization, and rate limiting. This ensures that only authorized requests are processed and protects against unauthorized access or misuse.
  3. Implement Request and Response Transformation: Configure the Oracle API Gateway to handle request and response transformation. This includes mapping data formats, transforming data structures, and performing any necessary data validation or enrichment.
  4. Routing and Load Balancing: Set up routing rules within the Oracle API Gateway to direct the API requests from Oracle Fusion ERP to the appropriate endpoints in This ensures that the requests are delivered to the correct destination and load is balanced across multiple endpoints if needed.
  5. Error Handling and Monitoring: Implement error handling mechanisms within the Oracle API Gateway to handle exceptions and errors that may occur during the integration process. Set up monitoring and logging to track the performance and availability of the integration.

By deploying an Oracle API Gateway, you can establish a secure and controlled communication channel between Oracle Fusion ERP and Complyance The API Gateway provides essential security features, request/response transformation capabilities, and routing functionalities, ensuring the smooth integration between the two systems.

D. Integrating Fusion with using Custom Development

If there are no pre-built solutions available or if you have complex integration requirements, you can consider custom development to integrate Oracle Fusion ERP with This method involves developing custom integration code using programming languages like Java, Python, or PL/SQL. Here's how you can proceed with custom development:

  1. Assess Integration Requirements: Evaluate your integration requirements and identify the data that needs to be exchanged between Oracle Fusion ERP and Determine the integration flow, including the triggers, actions, and data transformations required.
  2. Implement HTTP Requests: Use the chosen programming language to implement HTTP requests that communicate with the API endpoints. This involves sending and receiving data, handling authentication, and managing API responses.
  3. Handle Data Mapping and Transformation: Ensure that data is accurately mapped and transformed between the data structures used by Oracle Fusion ERP and Implement the necessary logic and code to convert data formats, handle data validation, and ensure data integrity during the integration process.
  4. Authentication and Security: Implement the required authentication mechanisms to securely connect with This may involve handling access tokens, API keys, or other authentication methods specified by the API documentation.
  5. Error Handling and Logging: Implement error handling mechanisms to handle exceptions, and error conditions, and ensure appropriate logging of errors or issues that occur during the integration process. This will help in troubleshooting and resolving any encountered errors.

Custom development provides flexibility for complex integration scenarios but requires more technical expertise and effort. It allows you to tailor the integration process precisely to your specific requirements, ensuring seamless data exchange between Oracle Fusion ERP and

Test and Troubleshoot

Perform thorough testing and troubleshooting to ensure the integration functions correctly:

  • Simulate various scenarios, including different inputs, error conditions, and high loads.
  • Monitor and analyze the integration for any issues using logging, debugging tools, or monitoring platforms.
  • Troubleshoot and resolve any encountered errors or inconsistencies.

Deploy and Monitor

Once the integration is tested and verified, proceed with deployment:

  • Deploy the integration to the production environment, following the deployment procedures for the chosen integration platform.
  • Set up monitoring and alerting mechanisms to track performance, availability, and errors of the integration.
  • Continuously monitor the integration to ensure ongoing stability and reliability.

The specific technical details and steps may vary depending on the Oracle Fusion product version, the chosen integration method, and the characteristics of the external e-invoicing API being integrated. Refer to the relevant Oracle documentation and resources for detailed instructions specific to your environment.


The technical integration of Oracle Fusion ERP with e-invoicing platforms revolutionizes the invoicing process for Saudi business people. By automating invoice generation, enhancing data accuracy, providing real-time tracking, and ensuring tax compliance, this integration streamlines operations, improves efficiency and reduces errors, specifically tailored to the needs of Saudi businesses.