Malaysia e-Invoice Model via API: Comprehensive Guide

Discover how the Malaysia e-Invoice Model via API boosts efficiency and compliance. Our guide covers step-by-step workflows and key benefits.

Ajith Kumar M
May 22, 2024
15 min

e-Invoice Model via API

As businesses strive for greater efficiency and automation, the implementation of an e-Invoice system via API integration has become increasingly popular. This model facilitates seamless, real-time invoicing directly from a company's internal systems to the tax authority's database. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into every aspect of the e-Invoice model via API, detailing the processes, technical requirements, benefits, and best practices for implementation.

1. Understanding API Integration

What is an API?

API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of protocols and tools that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. In the context of e-Invoicing, an API enables the exchange of invoice data between a business's invoicing system and the tax authority’s system.

Why Use API for e-Invoicing?

API integration offers several advantages for businesses looking to automate their invoicing processes:

  • Real-Time Processing: API allows for near-instantaneous validation and submission of invoices.
  • Reduced Errors: Automated data entry reduces the risk of manual errors.
  • Streamlined Operations: Direct integration with ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems enhances workflow efficiency.
  • Compliance: Ensures adherence to tax authority regulations and standards.

2. Pre-Submission Requirements

2.1 Digital Certificate

A digital certificate is critical for verifying the authenticity of the invoice issuer. It ensures that the e-Invoice originates from a legitimate source.

  • Types: Commonly used types include .cer and .pfx certificates.
  • Usage: The digital signature, derived from the certificate, forms part of the API request body, providing a hashed value that verifies the e-Invoice's origin.

2.2 e-Invoice Preparation

Before submission, businesses must configure their systems to generate e-Invoices in the required XML or JSON format. This preparation involves:

  • System Configuration: Ensure ERP systems are capable of producing invoices in the Universal Business Language Version 2.1 (UBL2.1) format.
  • Field Requirements: Populate mandatory and optional fields as per the defined data structure.

3. Comprehensive Guide to the e-Invoice Submission Workflow

Step 1: Submission

When a sale or transaction concludes, including adjustments such as debit notes or credit notes, the supplier or their technology provider creates an e-Invoice in the required format (XML/JSON) and submits it to the tax authority via API.


  • Creation: Generate e-Invoices aligning with UBL2.1 structure.
  • Submission: Transmit the e-Invoice to IRBM through API endpoints specified in the SDK (Software Development Kit).

Step 2: Validation

The submitted e-Invoice undergoes validation by the MyInvois System. This near real-time process entails:

  • Validation Response:
    • Success: Receipt of an API response containing the IRBM Unique Identifier Number, date and time of validation, and information for forming the validation link.
    • Error: API error response detailing issues that need correction before re-submission.

Step 3: Sharing of e-Invoice

Upon validation, the supplier must share the e-Invoice with the buyer, ensuring the inclusion of a QR code for verification purposes.


  • Visual Representation: Embed the QR code in the e-Invoice copy sent to the buyer.
  • Verification: This QR code can be used to validate the e-Invoice's existence and status via the MyInvois Portal.

Step 4: Rejection or Cancellation

Once validated, both the buyer and supplier can request the rejection or cancellation of the e-Invoice within a designated 72-hour window.

4.1 Buyer-Initiated Rejection

  • Conditions: Errors detected in the e-Invoice.
  • Request:
    • Initiate rejection via API within 72 hours.
    • Provide a unique identifier and reason for rejection.
  • Supplier Response:
    • Accept and proceed with cancellation within 72 hours, or
    • If not accepted, no cancellation allowed post-72 hours. Amendments require a new e-Invoice.

4.2 Supplier-Initiated Cancellation

  • Conditions: Errors or erroneous issuance.
  • Request:
    • Initiate cancellation via API within 72 hours.
    • Specify the unique identifier of the e-Invoice.
  • Post-Cancellation:
    • Notify the buyer.
    • Issue a new, corrected e-Invoice if required.

Step 5: Storing e-Invoices

All validated e-Invoices are securely stored in the tax authority's database. While the authority maintains records, businesses must also retain sufficient documentation related to the transactions.

Step 6: Reporting and Dashboard Services

API integration enables businesses to request and retrieve detailed e-Invoice information efficiently. The real-time access and comprehensive data analytics enhance transparency and streamline e-Invoice management.


  • Retrieval Options: Suppliers and buyers can request e-Invoice data in various formats:
    • XML/JSON: Standardized data exchange formats for integration with ERPs.
    • Metadata: Summarized data providing key details.
    • Grid: Tabular representation for easy interpretation.
    • PDF: Printable versions of e-Invoices.
  • Dashboard Services: Provide insights into:
    • Invoice date
    • Amount
    • Invoice status
    • Other relevant details

4. Detailed Technical Implementation

4.1 Preparing Your ERP System

To integrate e-Invoice API functionality, your ERP system must be configured correctly. This involves the following steps:

  1. System Requirements: Ensure your ERP supports UBL2.1 format.
  2. Field Mapping: Map internal data fields to the required API fields.
  3. Digital Signature Integration: Integrate digital certificate capabilities to sign e-Invoices.

4.2 API Endpoints and Methods

API integration requires using specific endpoints and HTTP methods provided in the SDK. Common endpoints and their purposes include:

  • POST /submitInvoice: Submit an e-Invoice for validation.
  • GET /invoiceStatus: Retrieve the current status of an e-Invoice.
  • POST /cancelInvoice: Cancel a validated e-Invoice.
  • GET /retrieveInvoice: Download a copy of a validated e-Invoice.

4.3 Error Handling and Validation

To ensure successful integration and operation, your system must handle various potential errors effectively.

Common Errors:

  • Syntax Errors: Incorrect XML/JSON formatting.
  • Validation Errors: Missing or incorrect data fields.
  • Authentication Failures: Issues with digital certificates or API keys.

4.4 Testing and Deployment

Before going live, it's crucial to test your API integration thoroughly.

Testing Steps:

  1. Sandbox Environment: Use a test environment provided by the tax authority to simulate real transactions.
  2. Test Scenarios: Cover various scenarios including:
    • Successful submissions
    • Error handling
    • Retrieval and cancellation scenarios
  3. Compliance Check: Ensure that all generated e-Invoices meet the compliance requirements of the tax authority.


  1. Rollout: Gradually roll out the integration to monitor real-world performance.
  2. Monitoring: Continuously monitor API interactions for any issues.
  3. Feedback Loop: Implement a feedback mechanism to address any errors or required adjustments promptly.

5. Practical Example: Implementation of API e-Invoice Model

Case Study: Fresh Food Hub

Business Profile: Fresh Food Hub supplies fresh produce to multiple retail outlets.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Digital Certificate: Fresh Food Hub obtains a digital certificate to authenticate their invoicing process.
  2. System Configuration: The company configures their ERP system to generate e-Invoices in the required XML/JSON format.
  3. API Integration:
    • Submission: Fresh Food Hub's system sends e-Invoices to the IRBM via API.
    • Validation: The e-Invoices are validated in real-time, and Fresh Food Hub receives a unique identifier and validation status.
    • Sharing: The validated e-Invoices, complete with QR codes, are shared with retail buyers.

Operational Workflow:

  • Rejection Handling: Within 72 hours, buyers can request rejection via API if errors are detected. Fresh Food Hub responds by canceling and reissuing corrected invoices as needed.
  • Storage and Reporting: All validated e-Invoices are securely stored, while Fresh Food Hub retrieves essential data from IRBM’s database for reporting and compliance purposes.

6. Benefits of API-Based e-Invoicing

For Suppliers

  • Efficiency: Automated processes reduce time and manual effort.
  • Accuracy: Decreases the chance of errors due to automation.
  • Real-Time Validation: Immediate feedback on invoice status.
  • Seamless Integration: Works with existing ERP systems, minimizing disruption.

For Buyers

  • Quick Verification: Faster validation using QR codes.
  • Transparency: Real-time access to invoice status and details.
  • Reduced Paperwork: Digital storage and retrieval streamline record-keeping.

For Tax Authorities

  • Enhanced Compliance: Ensures adherence to guidelines with minimal manual intervention.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Immediate access to validated transaction data.
  • Reduced Fraud: Improved traceability and reduced instances

7. Challenges and Solutions

7.1 Technical Challenges

  1. System Compatibility: Ensuring that your internal systems, especially ERP, are compatible with the API specifications.
    • Solution: Conduct a thorough system audit and upgrade ERP software if necessary. Engage with API specialists or consultants to facilitate smooth integration.
  2. Data Security: Protecting sensitive financial information during transmission and storage.
    • Solution: Use encryption protocols for data transmission. Implement robust cybersecurity measures and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
  3. Error Handling: Managing and troubleshooting errors that may arise during the submission and validation process.
    • Solution: Develop a comprehensive error handling mechanism. Create detailed logs and alerts to quickly identify and address issues.

7.2 Operational Challenges

  1. Staff Training: Ensuring that your team is equipped to handle and manage the new system.
    • Solution: Provide extensive training sessions and create detailed user manuals. Facilitate continuous learning through workshops and webinars.
  2. Process Adaptation: Adapting current invoicing processes to integrate with the new API model.
    • Solution: Gradually phase in the API model alongside existing processes. Monitor and collect feedback for incremental improvements.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Keeping up with evolving tax regulations and ensuring compliance.
    • Solution: Regularly review updates from tax authorities. Participate in industry discussions and forums to stay informed about changes in compliance requirements.

8. Best Practices for Successful Implementation

8.1 Start Small

Begin with a small subset of your transactions to test the integration. This helps in identifying and resolving any issues before full-scale implementation.

8.2 Collaborate with Technology Providers

Work closely with technology providers or consultants who have expertise in API integration and e-Invoicing. Their experience can help streamline the implementation process and ensure best practices are followed.

8.3 Monitor Performance

Regularly monitor the performance of the API integration. Use analytics and reporting tools to track key metrics such as validation times, error rates, and successful submissions.

8.4 Continuous Improvement

Solicit feedback from both internal users and external partners (like buyers) to understand their experience with the new system. Use this feedback for continuous improvement of the e-Invoice management process.

8.5 Maintain Documentation

Keep comprehensive documentation of all processes, configurations, and system requirements. This documentation is crucial for troubleshooting, future upgrades, and audits.

9. Future Trends in e-Invoicing

9.1 Blockchain Integration

Blockchain technology could further enhance the security and transparency of e-Invoicing. By creating immutable records of transactions, blockchain can reduce fraud and provide a higher level of trust.

9.2 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and ML can be leveraged to automate more aspects of the e-Invoicing process, such as anomaly detection, predicting payment patterns, and optimizing cash flow management.

9.3 Global Standardization

As more countries adopt e-Invoicing, there will be a push towards global standardization of e-Invoicing protocols. This will simplify cross-border transactions and compliance.

The e-Invoice model via API integration offers a robust, efficient, and automated solution for modern businesses. By understanding the technical requirements, preparing for potential challenges, and following best practices, businesses can seamlessly integrate this system to enhance their invoicing process.

The transition to API-based e-Invoicing is not just a technological upgrade but a strategic move towards greater efficiency, accuracy, and regulatory compliance. As technology continues to evolve, the systems we use to manage critical business processes like invoicing will also become more advanced, benefiting businesses, buyers, and tax authorities alike.